Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Auntie Torrent

A mega-uber value reader pinged me today with this - BBC Worldwide signs a distribution deal with Azureus' Zudeo. This is a major, major shot in the arm for P2P distribution from the mainstream content arena.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Christmas wish list, 2011

Dear Santa,

Please bring me some of this kick-ass
electromagnetic induction carpeting, and a doll-house version for the kids. As I obviously plan to be working at home all the time, following the destruction of the desk-bound analyst model in 2009 (which delivered massive cost savings to the company and a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, but unfortunately led to a catastrophic downturn in the commercial property market and congestion charge receipts), this will help to ensure that I can work anywhere in the house without having to drag power cables around. Also, if you can fit it in your sleigh, can you deliver a porta-me to my office, in case anyone should insist on having a face-to-face meeting?

Your friend,


Wednesday, December 06, 2006


Well, there probably aren't many people out there who have any lingering doubts about the Murdoch brigade's grasp of "this internet thing," but if so, here's the final nail in the coffin - Sky and Google in a wide-ranging alliance covering advertising revenue share, a Sky-branded version of Gmail, UGC video, and an intention to "explore opportunities to provide further services such as Google's VoIP (voice over internet protocol) telephony services, enhanced storage and future product developments," and to "explore future forms of web, TV and mobile advertising." If you expect, as I do, that Sky is eventually poised to do something disruptive in wireless, then this last little piece is even more intriguing. Stay tuned.

Broadcasters still think bloggers are not "media"

Today I tried registering as a member of the press at the Channel 4 website, primarily because I think the company is involved in some very Chaotica-friendly activities, which are worthy of coverage for an audience outside the UK. C4 is apparently a big believer in blogs (at least to propagate its own content) and participatory media, but alas, I received the following response to my application:

Dear James,

At this time we are unable to provide you with an account for the Channel 4 press extranet. If you require more information about why your registration has been refused please contact the press and publicity department at Channel 4.


C4 Press Department.

Any views or opinions are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of Channel Four Television Corporation unless specifically stated. This email and any files transmitted are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to which they are addressed. If you have received this email in error, please notify
Thank You.

Friday, December 01, 2006

A bit of positivity

There's a lot of harrowing coverage around today in connection with World AIDS day and the horrendous suffering of those affected, particularly children in the Indian subcontinent and sub-Saharan Africa. Education alone is clearly no panacaea, but it was nevertheless nice to see this video on the Negroponte & Co. initiative to deliver one laptop per child to the developing world.

Open up, it's your user base

Nice to see this announcement from AOL engaging the hordes of talented coders out there in the pursuit of something better and different.